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Nov 1, 2009

set database: 4484 mini X-wing fighter & TIE advanced

image courtesy of bricklinkimage courtesy of kunimasa0314image courtesy of Hendriksimage courtesy of nahadefimage courtesy of Doraemon image courtesy of Dlarian image courtesy of Koyanimage courtesy of knightrangerimage courtesy of Darats
theme: starwars, mini series
year: 2003
pieces: 76
prices: us$4
minifigs: none

come with hard plastic packaging.
come with a mini X-wing fighter & TIE advanced.
come with extra parts for building mini TIE bomber.
to complete the mini TIE bomber, you need other extra parts from set 4485 mini sebulba's podracer & anakin's podracer, 4486 mini AT-ST & snowspeeder and 4487 mini jedi starfighter & slave I.
good playability.
overall design is good.
