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Nov 11, 2008

set database: 7419 dragon fortress

image courtesy of peeron

image courtesy of bricklink
image courtesy of nori-gallery

image courtesy of edward
theme: adventurers, orient expedition
year: 2003
pieces: 732
prices: us$90
minifigs: 8
great set.
come with chinese style fortress.
the building has 2 storeys height with raised baseplate and stairs.
on top of the building has a black roof with dragon ornaments.
has a catapult.
trapdoor can slide down bricks from top.
included a rare black gold oriental dragon.
vehicle is a truck with tracked wheels on rear.
minifigs included jonny thunder minifig, Dr.charles lightning minifig, lord sam sinister minifig, jing lee minifig, pippin reed minifig in flying helmet, emperor chang wu minifig with cape and 2 dragon fortress guardian minifigs with straw hat and bat helmet.
included 28 orient cards for playing orient game board.
included 11 orient gameboard squares.
included an orient dice.
has a building alternative instruction.
great playability.
overall design is great.

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