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Dec 10, 2011

set database: LEGO 5508 LEGO® deluxe brick box

set database: LEGO 5508 LEGO® deluxe brick box

set number: 5508
set name: LEGO deluxe brick box
theme: creator, basic, brick buckets
year: 2010
pieces: 704
prices: us$50
minifigs: 2
great parts collection.
great for building small houses, vehicles, people and animals.
come with basic bricks, plates and specialty bricks.
colors included black, blue, green, light grey, lime, medium blue, orange, red, yellow, white and transparent.
included a 16 x 32 stud bright green baseplate.
minifigs included a male minifig and a female minifig.
also come with an idea book and a brick separator.
great playability.
overall design is great.
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