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Aug 6, 2012

set database: LEGO 3183 stephanie’s cool convertible

set database: LEGO 3183 stephanie’s cool convertible
 image courtesy of amazon.com

image courtesy of Grogall
set number: 3183
set name: stephanie’s cool convertible
theme: friends
year: 2012
pieces: 130
price: us$15
minidoll: 1
new friends theme.
come with a convertible car, a carwash, a bench and a streetlamp.
the carwash has a water tap, a bucket and a brush.
pet included a puppy.
accessories included an mp3 player, a purse and hair accessory pack with bows, sunglasses, a hairdryer, a hairbrush and a mirror.
minidoll included stephanie minidoll in white shirt and pink skirt.
great playability.
overall design is great.
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