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Aug 4, 2013

set database: LEGO 75021 republic gunship

set database: LEGO 75021 republic gunship
image courtesy of Grogall

image courtesy of amazon.com

set number: 75021
set name: republic gunship
theme: starwars, episode 2
year: 2013
pieces: 1175
price: us$120
minifigs: 7
come with a republic gunship and a swoop bike.
the gunship has openable twin cockpits, 4 ball gun turrets, side and rear doors, 8 top mounted flick missile launchers, 2 front turrets and a rear turret.
minifigs included an obi-wan kenobi minifig, an anakin skywalker minifig, a padme amidala minifig, a clone trooper captain minifig, a clone trooper minifig and 2 super battle droid minifigs.
great playability.
overall design is great.
must have for starwars lovers.
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