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Jul 15, 2015

set database: LEGO 42038 arctic truck

set database: LEGO 42038 arctic truck
image courtesy of target
image courtesy of argos
image courtesy of spielwelt

image courtesy of brickmerge

set number: 42038
set name: arctic truck
theme: technic
year: 2015
pieces: 913
price: us$85
minifig: none
large technic set.
main model is an arctic truck.
the truck has a sophisticated independent suspension mechanism, a workable crane arm with winch, hook and cargo, 4 big crawler tracks, a workable front steering, big cab with openable doors and a tipping cargo bed.
can be combined with 8293 power function motor set for workable led headlight, motorized gullwing doors and engine hood.
can be built into a tracked pickup truck.
overall design is great.
must have for technic fans.
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